Lemurian Activation Codes for Healing Card Deck – English
Lemurian Activation Codes for Healing Card Deck – English
The Lemurian Codes for Healing are the foundation of a system for reawakening the original encoded Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity by the Pleiadians so long ago. The Codes have been placed energetically in 11 cards, with images and words, and are programmed, through the crystalline Merkaba, to connect the physical points on the body where the information of the Star Template is stored waiting to evoke the Akashic memory.
BEFORE YOU BUY, please consider that The Pleiadian Star Mothers, who have given us this system of awakening, clearly state: Your cards are YOUR cards. You do not share them with anyone unless you are related by DNA (blood), i.e. parents, siblings, children since your cards become imprinted and identified with your DNA and Akashic memories. To use the cards with friends, clients or a beloved, purchase an additional deck. Use that one deck for all others – the Activation is still valid, but a ‘group deck’ has a different intention.